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Welcome to ZurexMC Networks's Community TOS
This is merely a guideline to refer to for punishment lengths and reasons, each situation will always be different and that is why staff members have the discretion to alter punishment lengths and types to fit the offense committed. Ones first offense might be a 2 hour mute while another users will amount to a 30 minute mute. However staff members must not abuse this power and to be used within reason. these guidelines are followed or not your first offense 2 hour mute will turn into a 4 hour mute for your second offense, this is something where staff members have no discretion for each offense punished the punishment length MUST reflect at the minimum double in order for deterrence however there is no maximum staff members have to follow when handing out punishments (within reason). Any attempt to create a loophole in the rules is still considered breaking the rules and is subject to corrective action. Rules are subject to change at any time and moment, staff members may enforce rules that are not present on this page.



Gameplay Offenses


Glitching and Exploiting

Using any type of bug or glitch or exploit to gain an unfair advantage or for one's own or others self-gain. If there was a victim player involved and had lost anything they must be reset back.


First Offense

Temporary Ban 

2 Weeks


Second Offense

Temporary Ban

1 Month


Third Offense

Temporary Ban

2 Months


Fourth offense and Beyond

Temporary Ban

6 Months


(Fourth offense is stackable, if they continuously offend past the 4th offense then the ban goes from 6 months to 12 months it always doubles (x2) and then 24 month ban 12x2 etc.)


Unfair Advantage

Using any type of modification to one’s client or just using a method of any kind to gain an unfair advantage


First Offense

Temporary Ban

365 Day Ban


Second Offense

Temporary IP Ban

2 Years


Third Offense

Permanent IP Ban


Fourth offense and beyond



Unapproved Use of an Alt Account

E.g. one using an alt account to collect double currency or points or claim multiple rewards or evading an approved punishment of any kind.


First Offense 

Permanent IP Ban




Chat Offenses



Sending the same message or different messages in consecutive rows of chat lines in a rapid pace (more than 1 message/3 seconds)


First Offense

Temporarily Ghost Mute

20 minutes


Second Offense

Temporarily Ghost Muted

1 Hour


Third Offense

Temporarily Muted

24 Hours


Fourth Offense and Beyond

Permanently Muted


Slurs and Discrimination

Saying anything in chat that could be deemed offensive towards race, Religion or one's Sexual Orientation or Identity.


First Offense

Temporarily Muted

48 Hours


Second Offense

Temporarily Muted

1 Week


Third Offense

Permanently Muted


Excessive Swearing

Repeatedly using too much vulgar language in the chat E.g. (fuck shit cunt fuck this fucking game shit cunt)


First Offense

Temporarily Ghost Muted

1 Hour


Second Offense

Temporarily Muted

12 Hours


Third Offense

Temporarily Muted

24 Hours


Fourth Offense and Beyond

Permanently Ghost Muted
